More than 9,000 federal civil servants reportedly fail promotion exam - Ripples Nigeria
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More than 9,000 federal civil servants reportedly fail promotion exam



No less than 9,000 federal civil servants have reportedly failed the 2022 Federal Civil Service Promotion Examinations, according to a list released by the Federal Civil Service Commission.

In the list, approximately 13,000 civil servants took part in the examination across 69 Computer Based Test centres in different parts of the country, including candidates from the core civil service, the Nigeria Police Force, para-military and specialised agencies, among others.

A circular containing a list of successful civil servants dated November 30, and sent from the Federal Civil Service Commission, with the reference FC.6241/S.35/Vol.xi/ T12/268, however, revealed that only 3,851 out of the over 13,000 who sat for the promotion examination managed to pass.

The list also gave details of the promotions of various officers to higher posts, such as Assistant Chief Administrative Officer to Chief Administrative Officer, Principal Administrative Officer to Assistant Chief Administrative Officer, and Senior Administrative Officer to Principal Administrative Officer, among others.

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