In a historic development that marks a potential end to one of the longest-running legal sagas in American history, the United States government has reached plea...
The Pentagon has claimed that a second Chinese espionage balloon was allegedly overflying Latin America at the same time the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken...
The outgoing President of the United States of America, Donald Trump has been denied a grand spectacle of a US Armed Forces Farewell- a custom dating...
China’s test launch of two ballistic missiles in the South China Sea were a threat to peace and security in the region, so said the United...
The Defence Department of the United States has officially released three videos for the records, confirming the activity of UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects). The videos which...
The Pentagon has awarded a $10billion (£8billion) cloud-computing contract to Microsoft, following a heavily scrutinised bidding process in which Amazon was seen as the favourite. The...
The United States of America has ordered the deployment of active-duty troops at the southern border with Mexico until January 31, to ward off desperate migrants...
Apple employees will begin moving into a new campus in Cupertino, California this month. The new Apple headquarters, named Apple Park, is a single ring, about...
Newly sworn-in US President Donald Trump has suspended a US refugee programme for 120 days meaning that Syrian refugees are barred from entering the United States...
An order has been made by the US State Department and Pentagon calling on all families of American diplomats and military staff to leave southern Turkey...
Citing recent terror attacks, the Pentagon, United States military on Wednesday restricted its service members’ from travelling to five West African countries. The order limits unofficial...
The U.S. military spent billions developing an armed drone that could take off from an aircraft carrier. But now, the Pentagon says it doesn’t want that...