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5 ways to make a woman want to marry you



1. Show her you are dependable: Even the most frivolous woman is not so sure about marrying an unreliable guy. Make a promise and try to keep it. Sometimes, talk about your plans for the future. Let her see you as the kind of man that will be there when she needs him.

If she works and you have a car, go pick her from work or drop her there when you can. And if you don’t have a car, try to show her you are interested, or care about how she commutes.

2. Be Funny: Women love men that can make them laugh. Don’t try too hard, just be able to laugh and make her laugh with you. If you don’t know how to produce laughter, watch comedy with her and both of you laughing together often could help your cause.

3.  Keep your eyes on her: School your eyes not to rove about. Make her believe you are not a womaniser. And that you are interested in things she likes no matter how girlie they seem.

4.  Strength of character: Prove to her you are not the quitting kind; you are there when things are tough and you see things through. If things aren’t working out fine between you, show her you are ready to work it out and not just throw in the towel and stay away.

5.  Play family politics: Show interest in her family members and if they stay close, present them with surprise gifts on occasions like Christmas and birthdays. If her family likes you, half of your job is done.

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