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115 soldiers confirmed dead in South Sudan independence anniversary bloodshed



115 soldiers confirmed dead in South Sudan independence anniversary bloodshed
According to reports, at least 115 soldiers from different armed factions have been confirmed dead after gun duels broke out across the South Sudan capital of Juba sparking fears of a return to all-out war.
Reports say the gun battle which began outside the presidential compound as President Salva Kiir was meeting with first vice president and former rebel leader Riek Machar soon spread through the city claiming the lives of many armed men.
Spokesman for Machar’s military faction, William Gatjiath Deng, said the fighting had occurred near the state house and in army barracks.
“In the morning we collected and counted 35 (dead) from the SPLM-IO (Machar’s faction) and 80 people from the government forces,” he was quoted as saying by the Reuters news agencyon Saturday.
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