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Moghalu disagrees with Tinubu on constitutional reform, suggests way forward



Kingsley Moghalu, a former presidential candidate and member of The Patriots group, on Monday, publicly disagreed with President Bola Tinubu’s response to the group’s call for urgent constitutional reform.

The Patriots, led by Chief Emeka Anyaoku, recently met with Tinubu to advocate for a new constitution, but the President emphasized economic reform as his current priority.

Moghalu argued that economic transformation is intrinsically linked to constitutional reform, stating that it would be “almost impossible” to fix Nigeria’s economy without a new constitution anchored on real federalism and a regional structure.

Posting on X, he said, “I respectfully disagree with President Bola Tinubu‘s response to the visit to him by The Patriots, led by former Commonwealth Secretary-General Chief Emeka Anyaoku, during which the group (of which I am a member) pressed for a new Constitution for Nigeria as a matter of urgency, and recommending specific steps to achieve this.

READ ALSO:Moghalu criticizes implementation of Nigeria’s economic reforms

“While PBAT received the eminent elder statesman and his colleagues with the appropriate dignity and protocols (“this is a group I cannot ignore”, Tinubu noted), the President asserted that economic reform (and the crisis that it has created in the country) is his priority right now, but that his government would of course study the recommendations of The Patriots and respond (hopefully with action and not merely words).”

He added that it would be almost impossible to bring a fundamental fix to Nigeria’s economy in the absence of a new constitution.

He stated, “What Nigeria’s leaders fail to understand is that it will be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to bring a fundamental fix to Nigeria’s economy in the absence of a new constitution that is anchored on real federalism, and preferably anchored on a regional structure of 6-12 regions.”

Moghalu‘s statement highlights the ongoing debate on Nigeria’s constitutional reform and its impact on the country’s economic development. The Patriots push for a new constitution has sparked discussions on the need for structural changes to address Nigeria’s economic challenges.

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