The short battle between Russia and its mercenaries, the Wagner Group, sparked an increase in the price of Brent crude oil during the weekend. At the...
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC+) announced members of the oil group, comprising Nigeria, have agreed to cut down global crude oil production output,...
Price of Brent crude oil dropped to $99.78 amidst fears over global economic recession. The fall in crude oil price below $100 was the first in...
American company, Citigroup, has released a crude oil forecast that contradicts that of Goldman Sachs, with the former stating that the commodity will fall to $65...
President Muhammadu Buhari has pledged to take advantage of the rising crude oil prices in order to ensure a stable oil sector in Nigeria. Buhari made...
If Nigeria can overcome its production issues, it might earn N66 billion per day from oil, the highest it has in the last seven years. The...