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Eritrea now officially free of COVID-19 pandemic



Fear of COVID-19 makes the rich cry

Eritrea on Friday officially declared it was free from the COVID-19 pandemic after the 39 cases in the country were successfully treated and discharged.

According to the country’s Ministry of Health statement, the 39th patient had been discharged from hospital as of Friday, May 15.

Yemane Meskel, the country’s Information Minister, also confirmed the news in a tweet saying: “Announcement from Ministry of Health

“Last patient has recovered fully after tests at National Laboratory and was released from hospital today.

“This important milestone means all 39 confirmed cases in the country to-date have recovered fully.’

Read also: China admits it destroyed early COVID-19 samples

“Last patient has recovered fully after tests at National Laboratory & was released from hospital today.

“This important milestone means all 39 confirmed cases in the country to-date have recovered fully.

“Last week Friday, there were only two active cases, one of which was discharged on the 11th before the last patient recovered on Friday, and has also been discharged too.”

With this development, Eritrea now joins Mauritius as the only two African countries that have recorded full recoveries.

The country is also one of the few African countries that have not recorded any death occasioned by COVID-19. Others Madagascar, Central Africa Republic, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, Lesotho, Rwanda and Uganda.

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